A Community Based Initiative for a Just, Sustainable, and Resilient World
What is Sustainability?
Sustainability may seem a complex and daunting topic, but it boils down to: “Enough, for All, Forever”. With that simple phrase we can better understand our role, the role of our communities, and the roles of our nations and that of the world. If sustainability is the capacity to meet the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, then how can we not work toward a sustainable future?
What are the steps towards your sustainable future?
The Four Critical Pathways
The environmental impact of every country, community, and individual can be categorized within four critical pathways: Shelter and Energy, Transportation and Travel, Food and Water, and Consumer Purchases. Each of these pathways contain habits, actions, and behaviors that can affect our global and local impact. While none of the pathways exist in isolation, individual changes to one pathway may have drastic implications to the impacts of an individual’s sustainable footprint. By exploring each pathway, you can identify your impact, how it relates to the global sustainability challenge, and what you can do to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
Our goal is to achieve a sustainable future through the promotion of Inclusive Social Wellbeing on a Healthy Planet. This can be achieved, by you and your community, through the model of See, Discern, and Act. Explore our methodology here.
Explore your Impact
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mission, our methodology, and partners
“Never have we so hurt and mistreated our common home as we have in the last 200 years.”